JspIsapi is good but I don't know if they have already 
fixed some old issues before.

1. Like request.getRemoteUser(), where it fails to yield values
on other browsers othen than IE.
2. Have problems on windows xp clients. hangs.

please confirm these issues to their tech support akash kava's hotmail

before akash told me that they're planning to make tomcat plugins to


I've created a new thread, just in case this got lost in the shuffle...
Does anyone know anything about the below "solution" (+ or -) and/or
recommend (or not recommend) it?


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Matt wrote:

> Something else you may want to look into (and I'd LOVE to hear
feedback on
> from this list?) is the following:
> http://jspisapi.neurospeech.com/
> We are now using this on our production IIS 6 server, mostly due to
> conflciting, or at least the lack of concise and authoratative, docs
> there (and mostly due to timing - this needed to be setup ASAP for a
> professor).
> I don't directly maintain the IIS 6 server, and its admin got antsy
> waiting for us to iron-out the confugration issues (and dreading
> future changes taking as much effort, like SSL support) with Tomcat
> went with this instead ($50).
> Was this wise?  Anyone?
> I'm curious (and not in front of this system now either) if it uses
jk2 or
> jk and what version, and anything else it may be doing.
> Thanks,
> -Matt
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Fadil wrote:
> > Thanks a lot I'll test this ASAP.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I must setup IIS6 / Tomcat because it's my production
> > environement and I've no choice : I don't want to learn dotnet !!
> > a beginner J2EE developper.

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