> We've started performance testing one of our REMOTE web apps using JMeter.
> We're gathering benchmark data before doing further fine
> tuning.
> Details:
> Win2K
> only have ssh + cygwin access to this remote server
> JDK 1.4.1_03
> Tomcat 4.1.26, running as a service:
> a.. Use security manager 1
> b.. Security policy file D:\Tomcat4\conf\catalina.policy
> c.. Initial heap 256
> d.. Max heap 512
> e.. Stack size 256
> f.. JVM server

I cannot help you with respect to your OOM problems, but I would recommend
that you consider upgrading to JVM 1.4.2.

You should also be able to migrate your app to TC 5.0.28 without too much
grief. You should probably avoid TC 5.5.x for the meantime.

JVM 1.4.2 and TC 5.0.28 play well together.

Good luck in case!

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

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