
I have a tomcat taglib problem. If it's not something obvious, I would appreciate if anyone could give me a hand fixing it - hopefully I am not out of line on this newsgroup, but the server is in production and I am all out of ideas so I am happy to negotatiate a rate if it takes some time to solve.

Here's an outline of the problem:

1) Tomcat/apache setup with a JSP form
2) custom taglib that handles form submissions
3) upon submit and correct field validation, the user is sent to a different page. Otherwise the same page comes back with error messages.

This was all working on the old server, so either the new version of tomcat is a problem, or the setup is somehow wrong. I have the info from the previous setup.

Here's the problem:

Once the jsp page is edited or touched, and tomcat compiles the page, the following happens:

1) If the user correctly fills out the form, they get redirected correctly to the next page (this can be repeated over and over)
2) once any user fills out the form incorrectly and they get the same page with "please complete the form correctly", any future submissions (whether valid or not) get the same page with the same "please complete the form correctly" message.

This happens until the page is edited or touched, after which all correct submissions work until someone puts in bad data and then it keeps looping.

It seems like some kind of global variable or caching issue to me, but I am not expert with taglibs and tomcat so I need some help!

If anyone thinks you might be able to solve it, send me a note to discuss.



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