
I think I may have spotted it ... does this file exist ?


I suspect that the module isn't being loaded into Apache. Now you say that you are using mod_jk2 (which is fine, I do too) however it looks like you are using mod_jk.

If the above file does exist then check for the presence of a "LoadModule" line in the Apache 2 config loading the above file.


Klaus-F. Kaal wrote:

Hi Peter,

I can imagine that the gurus get tons of eMails with difficult and silly questions. And as there is limited time, they can't answer them all. I believe they keep answering the freshly incoming ones. Since I am really in problems and did not get an answer over days, I thought, I was lost in the "cant do this" bin and it's better to shout out to get attention. Believe me: that is not my normal style.

I aquired a dedicated server and got it with Suse 9.1 preinstalled. Apache 2.0.48 was on it. It uses virtual hostst. Apart from that it seems to be not special. But it runs without problems (as far as I can judge from the logs)

I installed

- Java 1.4
- Tomcat  5.0.28
- mod_jk2 from the latest binary distribution

Independently, Apache and Tomcat work well. Tomcat reports in the logs that it listens on port 8009 for mod_jk communication. It also created /conf/auto/mod_jk.conf, the content of which, I show later in this text.
Apache does not shift incoming JSP calls to mod_jk. It just states that it could not find the document in the normal public_html space.

Can you do something with this info?

Thanks a lot for your hints.


Peter Johnson schrieb:


Taking a tone with people gives you less chance of a response.

Are you doing any url rewriting in Apache?


Klaus-F. Kaal wrote:

_In my Tomcat log, I can see:_

INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
06.03.2005 00:54:10 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=5/43  config=/usr/tomcat/conf/jk2.properties

_I included my automatically created mod_jk.conf into the httpd.conf:_

Include /usr/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

This mod_jk.conf looks like this:

<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
 LoadModule jk_module "/usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_jk.so"

JkWorkersFile "/etc/apache2/workers2.properties"
JkLogFile "/usr/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg

_The workers2.properties is here:_





Apache and Tomcat are working fine, independently. But when I try to call a JSP on port 80, Apache states that it cannot find the file.

What am I doing wrong??

Thanks for your help.


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