
for definitive answers you'll probably want one of the developers - but
here's my take, with big doses of IMHO & YMMV...

Has Tomcat acknowledged this and agreed that it will be fixed in 5.5.8?

M. Maucherat suggests, in the thread i referenced earlier, that he has fixed it in 5.5.8

Any ETA for 5.5.8? Unless I'm missing something, this seems like it was be a pretty high severity bug. Or are you and I the only two people using JDBC Realms with 5.5.7?

bit of a culture issue here, that took me a while to get used to as
well. when *i* grew up, software with known broken functionality
wouldn't rate a "final" version number, but the Tomcat team (and, in my experience, Open Source software in general) is a bit
more relaxed about it:

Is there no mechanism for putting out patch jar files? ... is it
possible to extract a JDBCRealm jar file from 5.5.4 without having to
completely uninstall and reinstall all of Tomcat?

will need to defer to the list on this one... FYI, and this is something i just learned recently as well, using the $CATALINA_BASE trick to separate out your site-specific stuff from the core server code makes it *way* easier to "uninstall and reinstall all of Tomcat".


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