Hi all,

        I've encountered a rather strange error that I need some help
getting to the bottom of. Recently I lost the hard drive on one of my tomcat
application servers. I've since reinstalled and set everything on the
effected machine to mirror the configuration of my other app servers (which
are working fine). However, now when I access the webapp on this server
tomcat seems to freeze (like it's waiting for something) after several
queries to the database are executed. After this happens I am unable to
shutdown tomcat without finding the process number and terminating it using
kill -9 as shutdown.sh fails to halt execution. This seems pretty strange to
me since one, the problem occurs without any errors appearing in
catalina.out or the localhost_log files and two the webapp is able to access
the DB with several queries before it encounters any problems. Does anyone
have any ideas what may be causing this to happen?

Thanks in advance,


Here's some info about my runtime environment:

OS: Redhat 9
Tomcat: 5.0.28
JVM: 1.5.02
DB: Oracle 9i

Here's the JDBC connection pool XML I'm using:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 
<Context docBase="/opt/tomcat/webapps/jupiter" path="" cookies="false"
  <Resource auth="Container" description="Oracle datasource pool.  See
server.xml file." name="jdbc/EnvictusDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/> 
  <ResourceParams name="jdbc/EnvictusDB"> 

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