Elihu Smails wrote:
J2EE is just the enterprise pack for Java. Think of it as an add on to
the JDK.  You need to get, or should get the JDK 1.5.

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:43:12 +0100 (CET), Christoph Kukulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm in the process of installing tomcat (5.0.28) under Windows (XP).
Installed apache 1.13.33 and ran tomcat installer.
At this point I was asked for a JVM to choose (with an empty

So I downloaded j2eesdk-1_4_01_2005Q1 from java.sun.com and installed it.
Strange install, this Sun environment. Want me to run an application server.
Hell, Tomcat should be my application server. I chose, not to register an
application server.

Anyway, I'm still at a loss to choose a JVM. Where is my JVM?
The directory browser of the tomcat installer only allows me
to choose a directory, not a specific binary.

Help, please.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kuku_at_kukulies.org

Depends on what package you downloaded. Either way, Elihu is correct that the J2EE part doesn't have a JRE. If you downloaded and installed the whole bundle, you should have the J2SE JDK installed somewhere. If not, you need to download it and install it. Should be installed under "C:\Program Files\Java". HTH.

Justin Crabtree
Java Programmer
Ozarks Technical Community College

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