Thanks for your instant reply.But i just checked whatever u had said.I tried to 
start it from the console by giving the command %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat 
 but same problem still persists.The tomcat console came only for 2-3 seconds 
and then dissapeared.So i could not read the error messages.I am using Windows 
2000 server.some times it runs fine and gives me the desired output.
Ok what about that resource not found(404 error).I have created my own folder  
called my_apps inside webapps and the whole directory structure WEB-INF/classes 
inside that.but when am typing http://localhost:8080/my_apps in the address bar 
of the browser am getting this error.Ya one clue is that in the tomcat console 
am getting org.xml.sax.SAXPARSEException. 
<web-app> should match with a ending </web-app>.But i have checked my 
webapplication's web.xml file & it is correct and there is no other user's 
application inside the webapps folder.
Currently am doing a project and i need the solution very badly.
First let me help in starting the server.What about that logs?

Torrey Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's tough to say what your problem is without more information. Did you 
check Tomcat's logs to see what the error is when starting up? Have you 
tried running tomcat from the console instead of from a batch file so 
that you can see the output of the server when it erors and quits?

Give those a try and let us know what the output is and maybe some one 
can help.


ayaskant swain wrote:

>Dear Sir/Madam,
> I have been using tomcat 4.x/5.0.x version for web developmen 
> (JSP/Servlets)but i am finding difficulties in starting the server itself 
> many times.I have set the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to the directory 
> where i have installed the j2sdk1.4.2. e.g. E:\j2sdk1.4.2. and under that 
> folder all other subfolders like bin, jre are there.When i am trying to start 
> the tomcat server by double clicking on the startup.bat inside bin folder the 
> tomcat console comes only for 3-4 seconds and then disappears.I also tried to 
> solve it by changing the port no 8080 which is inside server.xml file to any 
> other port (e.g. 9020,8090 etc.),but still it's not working.
> Also sometimes even though the server starts and runs fine and i am able to 
> see the index.html page(featuring the cat) i get a 404 error of resource not 
> found while trying to access my own webapplication which i create inside the 
> webapps folder.though it is there 
>already.For an example i create a folder named my_apps/WEB-INF/classes inside 
>webapps but i get a 404 error (resource not found) when i type 
>These two problems are really making me annoyed.I am fade of these 
>problems.Please tell me the solution to these problems.
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