
     I'm trying to adjust the mod_jk2 JkUriSet entries for my server
(apache 2.0, mod_jk2, tomcat 4.x).

     Specifically, I'm trying to set up some static files to be served
by apache, not by tomcat.  However, it seems the LocationMatch is very
greedy and tends to intercept *all* requests that contain the path string.

     For example, assume I have the static file under apache htdocs:


     And I have a webapp under tomcat:


     I have this mod_jk2 entry:

<LocationMatch /foo>
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

     This URL is properly forwarded to the tomcat foo webapp:


     However, it *also* forwards:


     And even:


     According to the docs, LocationMatch is supposed to support a
regexp for the URL, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to
only forward "foo" at the beginning of the path.  I tried:

<LocationMatch ^/foo>

     This caused:

[error] uriEnv.init() context must start with '/' in ^/foo

     I also tried:

<LocationMatch /^foo>

     Which simply didn't forward http://www.example.com/foo to
the webapp.

     I also tried simply changing LocationMatch to Location, in the
hopes that Location's simpler specification might naturally Do The
Right Thing.  But it didn't foward http://www.example.com/foo to the
Steven J. Owens

"I'm going to make broad, sweeping generalizations and strong,
 declarative statements, because otherwise I'll be here all night and
 this document will be four times longer and much less fun to read.
 Take it all with a grain of salt." - http://darksleep.com/notablog

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