Dave, thanks very much for your help. Unfortunately, the passage you quoted is referring to how the password is digested when it is stored in the realm. This is working fine for me, and I've been able to configure it to use SHA-1 or MD-5 algorithms by setting the digest attribute in the <realm/> element to either "SHA" or "MD5", which are the appropriate keywords to identify those algorithms.

What I described above works fine when I select BASIC authentication by putting the following in my web.xml


However, I change "BASIC" above to "DIGEST" to induce the server to tell the client that DIGEST authentication is required, meaning that instead of sending the username and password as a Base64 encoded text string, which anyone can decode and thereby compromise the user's credentials, it will send a hash of the username and password, with a random value and a sequence counter generated by the server also included as an input to the hash function. This of course is a much more secure way to send login credentials. According to the spec that governs DIGEST access authentication (rfc2617), if the server does not explicitly specify a hash algorithm in the www-authenticate header of the HTTP response message (status 401- unauthorized), it defaults to MD5. So after much thrashing around, I discovered that I could only get DIGEST authentication to work by specifying MD-5 in the <realm/> digest attribute, and then letting the client default to using MD5 for the DIGEST authentication algorithm, since Tomcat is not specifying the algorithm in the HTTP header (which I verified with an HTTP monitor tool).

What I would LIKE to do is use SHA-1, since it's a more secure algorithm (and because I have engineer's disease, and I have to figure out how to do something even if there's an almost-as-good alternative). I know I can set the <realm/> digest attribute to SHA-1, but I don't know how I cant tell Tomcat to require SHA-1 algorithm in the www-authenticate response header. I found a method that does this


But I'd like to do it with a configuration parameter. I've looked thorough all the Tomcat docs, and I see nothing that appears to do this. I opened the Servlet spec and looked at the XSD for the web.xml document, and there appears to be nothing there that can set the DIGEST algorithm. Perhaps it can be set in the server.xml file. I'm going to look for that XSD next, but if anyone knows off-hand what the parameter is, please enlighten me.

If there's not a configuration parameter, could someone tell me how to do this programmatically? I'm fairly new to Tomcat, and I think I can figure out how to get access to the aforementioned setAuthenticateHeader() method in the servlet context, but I don't know how to make the container do that for the duration of a browser session, as opposed to setting the www-authenticate header every time my JSP or servlet is called.


David Owens wrote:

The docs say this:
When a standard realm authenticates by retrieving the stored password
and comparing it with the value presented by the user, you can select
digested passwords by specifying the *digest* attribute on your <Realm>
element. The value for this attribute must be one of the digest
algorithms supported by the java.security.MessageDigest class (SHA, MD2,
or MD5). When you select this option, the contents of the password that
is stored in the Realm must be the cleartext version of the password, as
digested by the specified algorithm.

I have starred the word digest. If you look at the source for the page
you will notice the word digest is in <code> tags, and I think they are
trying to indicate this is a key word you can use in the <realm> tag.

Let us know if this works for you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Leone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:53 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: DIGEST authentication; Does it work??

So at 3:00 AM I decided to read the Basic and Digest Access Authentication spec (RFC 2617), and it says that MD5 is the default hash

algorithm. I had previously seen that Tomcat wasn't sending any response

headers explicitly specifying the hash algorithm, even though I had specified SHA in the <realm/> element in Server.xml. So I changed my digest algorithm for the realm to MD5, and DIGEST authentication is now working.

I'd like to make it work with SHA-1. I've looked all through the Tomcat documentation, and I can't find a configuration parameter to set the www-authenticate response header to indicate SHA-1 algorithm for the digest. I see the API that supports this in org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator ( setAuthenticateHeader() ), but I can't find a configuration parameter that will determine the value for "algorithm" passed to this method. Does anyone know how I can set this?*

Mark Leone wrote:

I found a silly classpath error that fixed the problem using RealmBase. I didn't realize that my system still had environment variable %catalina_home% pointing to an old tomcat 4.1.24 directory. So when I opened a command window to generate digest values I was executing RealmBase in tomcat 4.1.24. But guess what. When I digest the same info with the same algorithm specifier (SHA) in Tomcat 4.1.24

and Tomcat 5.5.8 I get different digest values. And DIGEST authentication still doesn't work, in either case. Something very strange is going on here. :(


Mark Leone wrote:

Okay, I was using 5.5.7. So I just downloaded the source and built 5.5.8, and things got worse. Digest authentication is not working for

me. I believe I've set everything up correctly. Using an HTTP monitor

I see a 401 response coming back from Tomcat with a www-authenticate header whose parameters specify digest authentication and identify the realm as JDBCRealm. And I have a digested password that I created

by digesting {username}:JDBCRealm:{password} (including the colons- is that correct?), as directed in the how-to documentation. But when I enter that username and password, the authentication fails. Now I used SHA-1 to digest the password, and my <realm/> element in Server.xml identifies SHA as the digest algorithm for digesting passwords. Does this mean that the DIGEST authentication will also be

done using SHA-1? Or do I need to specify that somewhere? Am I missing something else?

I said it got worse with 5.5.8 because now I can't even get RealmBase

to generate a digested password. I enter
java -cp %catalina_home%\server\lib\catalina.jar org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a SHA {username}:JDBCRealm:{password}

and I get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lo
gging/LogFactory at org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.<clinit>(RealmBase.java:69)

So it's finding RealmBase, but while executing that code it fails to find LogFactory. I don't see an org\apache\commons path in any of the

class directories generated during the build. Do I have a defective build? Was I supposed to download something else?


Mark Thomas wrote:

Yes it does. I tested this extensively with both IE and Firefox. Any

combination of the following is OK:

Auth:        BASIC, FORM, DIGEST
Realm:        Memory, UserDatabase, JDBC, DataSource
Passwords:    Cleartext, digested

There is a complication when using digested passwords with the digest realm.

You need to be using 4.1.x from CVS HEAD or 5.5.8+

For more info see:


Mark Leone wrote:

I'm trying to use DIGEST authentication with Tomcat, and it doesn't

seem to work. I found some articles with Google about IE implementing DIGEST authentication in a way that only worked with MS servers, and I assume that hasn't been corrected. But I'm also using Firefox with the same results as IE. I saw an article about a

workaround in Apache server to make DIGEST authentication work with

IE, but I didn't see anything about Tomcat. Anyone know of any way to get DIGEST authentication in Tomcat to work with ANY browser?

I should mention that I'm also using digested passwords in a JDBC Realm (implemented with mySQL), and I followed the how-to instructions for creating digested passwords to work with DIGEST authentication. And authentication with JDBCRealm works fine when I

use BASIC authentication.

For the record, I put the following in the Host element in


<Context path="/MyApp" docBase="MyApp">
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.DigestAuthenticator"
disableProxyCaching="false" />

I put the following in Server.xml's Engine element

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
connectionURL="jdbc:mysql:///Tomcat_Realm" userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" digest="SHA"/>

And I put the following in my app's web.xml

<security-constraint.../> (elided)


<security-role.../> (elided)

And when I created the digested password to store in my JDBCRealm database, I digested: (username) : JDBCRealm : (password). As you can see, I specified "SHA" as the digest algorithm in Server.xml's <realm> element, and I used SHA to create the digested password that I stored in the database. I assume that the server will prompt

the browser to use SHA also when it sends the challenge header requesting DIGEST authentication?


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