On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:58:48 -0000, Pawson, David
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Darek Czarkowski
>     I am not sure if this is relevant but, is session data a
>     full name of the package?
>     I would expect to see something like com.packagename.sessionData
> As I've been told, I need to wrap it in a package... or in my case
> I'm going to re-write 3 jsp's in Java, its easier.

Just out of curiosity why is that easier? Adding a package statement
to a Java class, changing your import statements and creating the
package directory structure isn't exactly difficult and could probably
be quite easily done by a search and replace of the source files, plus
it would be more standards compliant and make it easier for someone
else to maintain if they need to.

Jason Bainbridge
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