
You can try the following step by step approach

1) Check whether you are able to run the examples application in tomcat. If you 
are not able to run that there's a problem with tomcat configuration or the JVM.

2) If that runs smoothly without any problems, check your application and 
ensure that it doesn't go into any infinite loops etc, since that's one runaway 
thing that can bring down the whole machine consuming lot of cpu and perhaps 
even memory leaving no room for anything else.

3) If your application is OK, make sure no other application is consuming lot 
of CPU or memory.

---------- Original Message ----------

On 31 Mar 2005, 04:43:10 PM, Viorel Dragomir writes:

> It might be a hardware related problem.
> Try to change the memory.
> Viorel Dragomir
> .
> ..
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Steve Vanspall 
> To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org 
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 09:38
> Subject: Tomcat Hang on Linux (hangs the entire system)
> Hi there, 
> I am posting this in a few areas because I cannot pinpoint where the 
> problem stems from. 
> I have a standard Pentium III bases pc running linux. 
> It has only 380 meg (or therabouts) of ram 
> Using IBM JVM 1.4.1 and tomcat 4.1.18 (I know there are later version, but 
> they all hang) 
> I have 2 webapps running. One of them uses Apache to translate two 
> different domain to the right ibay for it's content but uses the same code 
> base. The second webapp is accessed, currently, using 
> http://www.mycomapny.com:8080/MyApp style URL. 
> The webapp just hangs. It will not load any pages, and when it hangs, both 
> webapps hang. So I think this is a Tomcat or Java or Linux error. Once the 
> hang occurs I cannot do a ps -ef as this also hangs. My only option is to 
> reboot the machine. But it hangs half way and has to be physically powered 
> off. We are going to put a new, more powerful computer in there, but for 
> now I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced such a problem. Can 
> you give me some pointers as to where to look for the source of the 
> problem. 
> This has happened before, and I got no information about it. I know it's a 
> pretty vague explanation, but I don't know what more informationI can give 
> you. 
> The log files do not show any errors, and it never happens at the same 
> point 
> in the web application. At first I thought it happen when concurrent users 
> logged in, but that's not the case either, and I have trimmed down the 
> sychornicity management when accesing Singletons in my web app. 
> Now I have been through all my code, and cannot find anything that should 
> be causing an error. I have run the code under a number of different 
> cirsumstances on my development machine (Windows 2000) and 
> everything runs without a problem. 
> Any help would be appreciated 
> Regards 
> Steve 

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