
I got it working finally...(after several days of repeated head banging..)

Following is how I got it to work (Tomcat 4.1.29)..

1) Copy the folder

      $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/manager the directory that contains your web application..


     $CATALINA_HOME = /usr/local/tomcat

..copy folder /usr/local/tomcat/server/webapps/manager to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/somesubdirectory/

  2) Copy the manager.xml found in the main webapps directory:

    $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager.xml the same directory that you copied the manager folder..

  3) Edit manager.xml

Change the "docBase" attribute to reflect the location copied to above..



4) Edit either your mod_jk.conf file or the specific copy for that host. (here I keep a custom conf file for each host, with the name of that host.conf) This is the same file or files that you "include" in the Apache httpd.conf file (There may be other ways around this, but this is the way I did it..)

a) Open the mod_jk.conf file (after Tomcat has be started at least once if you have AutoConfig on..) and find the localhost:/manager section. Copy this entire section to the end of the JkMount commands..

b) Paste this section into each VirtualHost setting (possibly a different .conf file..)

c) Edit the Alias and Directory tags to reflect the same full path to the manager folder..

5) Make sure you have setup the role "manager" in the tomcat_users.xml file and a user for that role. (Instructions in the Manager HowTo)

 6) Restart Tomcat

 7) Access manager via a browser at

(I have yet to get it to load directly through Apache yet.. for my purposes this is fine and works for me..)

  Hope that helps someone...

  John Moore
  SonicSpider LLC

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