I'm trying to setup a couple of virtual hosts using Tomcat in stand
alone mode. I'm having a hell of a time to get this working correctly.
I've tried several configs, but they all fail.

I started with the goal of having a user directory for each virtual
host. For example, for the sample domain1.com the appbase would be

I setup my server.xml file to have the following host settings

   <Host name="domain1.com" debug="0" appBase="/home/domain/webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
                <Context path="" docBase="."/>

This is pretty much cut and past from Tomcat: The Definitive Guide from
Safari Online. This did not work. I would get just get a blank webpage.

I then tried to update the host file. I didn't see why I'd need to do
that since my DNS setup at Mydomain.com was working for ssh. I add
domain1.com to the line for my localhost. I restarted Tomcat. No change.

I am able to run the system on port 80 using just the localhost default
settings. I figured I just did something wrong. I switched to this
directions http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/tomcat-vhost.html

This didn't worked either. When I looked at the requests in in Safari,
it showed this as a bad request. I can telnet domain1.com 80. When I try
GET index.jsp or index,html or /. Nothing happens. No error. It just
closed the connection as if everything was working fine. I tried lynx
from the server prompt. It gives a http 400 error, I think. It flashes
by so fast I'm not sure.

The catalina.out has no errors.

I have my DNS setup via mydomain.com dns management tool. I have my A
record pointing to the address. I don't think I need to do anything else.

I'm at a loss of what to do now to troubleshoot this problem. I searched
the mail list and the website nothing has jumped out at me. So, I hoping
some kind soul might give me some pointers. What kills me is I'm sure
this is something obvious I missed or not seeing.


Jeff Duska

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