On Apr 5, 2005 4:17 AM, david joffrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to run the following configurations with only one
> machine: 3 domains. Let's name them, www.domain1.com and
> sthg.domain2.com and www.domain2.com.
> www.domain1.com runs on 80 using apache and php
> www.domain2.com runs on 8080 using tomcat, mysql...
> sthg.domain2.com runs on 443 using apache and php
> Using the virtual hosts, I managed to set-up successfully
> www.domain1.com and sthg.domain2.com. I am now trying to include
> mod_jk, but when doing that, I am loosing the virtual hosts features
> and all my requests (for all sites) are sent to the tomcat instance
> (including the https one).
> Is that possible should probably my first question?
> Has anyone some experience with a similar set-up?

Yes, it is possible to configure multiple virtual hosts with Apache
and Tomcat...

Your explanation of your current setup is confusing.  Are you trying
to setup the following URLs?



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