While debugging a log4j problem this afternoon... I happened to attempt
to rearrange the contents of my CLASSPATH on my Fedora Core 2 machine in
order to insure a correct log4j.properties file is being loaded by TC.

To insure the proper file is loaded, I placed
${catalina.home}/common/classes/log4j.properties as the *first* entry in
the CLASSPATH that catalina.sh passes into the bootstrap process. 
Looking at 'ps -aef | grep java' I see my properties file listed first
in the classpath.

HOWEVER, it appears that classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader in
Java 1.4.2_05 doesn't honor the -classpath in it's entirety - as
1.4.2_05 *never* loads the log4j.properties file that's in the
classpath.  Instead - it decides to load the log4j.properties file that
is contained in the axis-ant.jar file.

Am I crazy????  Or did I do something wrong???


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