Much of this is beyond the simple webdav servlet provided with Tomcat. Try Apache Slide.


Martin Lidgard wrote:
I would like to achieve the following using Tomcat 4.1:
1. use a JDBCRealm to access a mysql database containing users, passwords,
and roles
2. grant WebDAV access to authenticated users, allowing them to access and
upload files to personal home directories
3. personal directories should be grouped by role: ie. user "charlie" with
role "sitemember" has WebDAV access to
4. directories should be created when the user first accesses the WebDAV
account, and if there is no directory for the role, it should be created too
5. it should be possible to limit the amount of space granted to each user
on a role or context basis
6. the personal home directories should be accessible using WebDAV as, automatically returning content for the correct
personal directory depending on authenticated username.
How much of this is possible to achieve through smart configuration schemes?
Does anyone know of tools that could do some of the work?
I haven't found any indications that personal home directories have been
used in a Tomcat standalone configuration -- anyone?
Arkatay Consulting

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