
    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but
since I am desperate, I am doing it anyway. I am using Apache 1.3.9 on
linux RH 6.2 as the Webserver and Weblogic 5.1 as the application
server. For large file uploads (5 Mb - 6 Mb) I receive a Apache -
Weblogic bridge time-out error.  The Apache-Weblogic bridge is actually
a .so file supplied by BEA for loading the module in Apache. I have
asked BEA people, who suggested the latest Service Packs although this
solves the problem for smaller file uploads, it still doesn't do much
for uploads of more than 5 Mb.

    I was wondering if there is anyway of tackling the problem from the
Apache end ? . I am using JDK 2.x with green threads. Any help on this
will be very much appreciated.


A. Sheriff

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