I noticed in the mod_jk.conf-auto that all the contexts (i.e., example,
admin, test) are located in /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps
Can someone tell me how to configure tomcat/apache/linux (i.e. what files
to be configured and how) so that I can store .jsp files in the
public_html folder of my home directory and they are found and run. In
other words, so that I can type:
and apache sends the jsp file to tomcat and it is displayed in the window.
I've been struggling with this issue for a couple of weeks now and have
read and re-read the documentation. Maybe it tells me somewhere in the
docs how to do this, but I'm not figuring it out. So if someone could
please help me, I would really, really appreciate it.
I sent out an email earlier that gave more information about the problem I
am having. Its pasted below.

I'm using Tomcat 3.2, Apache 1.3 on Linux
and i followed your directions.
Here is what i put in my server.xml
 <Context path=""
          reloadable="true" >
but got these errors as follows:
1. In Netscape browser
Not Found(404)
Original request: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
Not found request: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2. In the Terminal at the command prompt
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp + null) 
JSP file not found
3. In jasper.log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
2001-03-23 04:23:53 - Scratch dir for the JSP engine is: 
2001-03-23 04:23:53 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - JspEngine --> /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -        ServletPath: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -           PathInfo: null
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -           RealPath: 
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -         RequestURI: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -        QueryString: null
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -     Request Params:
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - Classpath according to the init parameter is:
Do you know what I did wrong and how to fix it?



D. Shun-Luoi Fong
821 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52246

Colossions 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy
or empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the
elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

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