Is there any chance that you are finding these results while running
two instances of the same browser on the same client machine?

On Apr 11, 2005 9:56 AM, Adam Lipscombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> I have an odd problem the manifests intermittently with TC 5.0.27 and Struts
> 1.1. I am not sure if it's a TC problem or Struts. I think its TC, but
> apologies if this is not the correct forum.
> The problem is this:
> If validation errors are detected the app code stores them in the Struts
> ActionError(s) object in the usual manner. The source JSP is then
> re-displayed and a modal dialog box (another JSP) is popped (via calling a
> Struts .do URL) to display the errors.
> The ActionErrors object is passed from the ,ain JSP to the modal dialog box
> JSP by storing it in the session object. The dialog code then fishes out the
> ActionErrors object and loops through the errors, displaying each one.
> Most of the time this works fine. However occasionally the session object
> that is used by the caller (i.e. the JSP) and the dialog are not the same
> instance. i.e. The ActionErrors Object is stored in session X but the modal
> dialog JSP uses session Y.
> I was surprised by this to put it mildly. I thought the session had to be
> the same.
> If I restart TC having cleared out the work dir it all seem OK again.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> TIA - Adam
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