
I was testing the JNDI Resource configuration using a custom resource factory
and/or the Tomcat BeanFactory following the tutorial here with Tomcat 5.0.28:

For Generic Java Bean resources the documentation says:

"The resource factory will create a new instance of the appropriate bean class
every time a lookup() for this entry is made."

Same is said for a custom resource factory. But actually this is not true... :-(

When I tried the demo classes with the MyBean and MyBeanFactory i found out that
"always" the same MyBean instance is returned when calling lookup(). It doesn't
matter whether I use the Tomcat BeanFactory or the mentioned custom

I would say this is because the method getObjectInstance(Object obj,Name name,
Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) is not called multiple times (each
lookup() ), but really only once! I can say this because I added a log
statement into this method of MyBeanFactory. Only appears once, so it doesn't
help to issue "new MyBean()" as the first bean ever created seems to be
remembered somehow.

When I configured the MyBeanFactory in server.xml as GlobalResource instead of
the context I could see that the getObjectInstance method is already called
upon Tomcat startup when no web application ever called InitialContext.lookup()
and wasn't even deployed.

My question: Is it simply documented wrongly that each lookup() would return a
new object, is there any chance for a config problem or is this a bug?

I'd like to implement a custom resource factory that has a "pool" behind. Hence
it makes a huge difference whether I "always" get the same object (that would
mean that the object returned needs to be the pool itself and the app can grab
the pooled objects) or if there's a chance to have any pooled object from the
pool returned each time lookup() is called.

Any ideas upon this?


P.S. BTW the documentation examples should be reviewed as there are a few typos
and some configuration statements that didn't work at all...

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