I tried that too.. same problem...
anyways.. apart from that going as the suggestion of without spaces directory 
path... here is the modified thgs
JAVA_HOME and path remaing the same.
Now compiling
c:/javacode>javac -classpath<c:\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar> HelloWorld.java
it said - Access Denied

then compiling like 
c:/javacode>javac HelloWorld.java 
it gives same set of errors 
and then again compiling like 
c:/javacode>javac -classpath<c:\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar> HelloWorld.java
Windows gave a error saying 'javac' encountered an error.. please close.

and then closing and oping cmd again and 
then  compiling like 
c:/javacode>javac HelloWorld.java 
I got no errors... but also.. no class file created. :(
What do you have to say now?

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