In the change log for TC5.5.9, there is a claim that MX4J 3.0.1 has been
integrated instead of 2. The JAR in bin from the compatibility package
for JDK1.4 matches MX4J 3.0.1. But if I put the other 3.0.1 JARs in
common/lib and configure Coyote to use with
mx.enabled=true, using JDK1.4.2_07 on RHEL3, the connector tries to load
an MX4J version 2 jrmp adaptor class.


SEVERE: MX4j RMI adapter not loaded: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:


Is it because there is a new configuration style when using 3.0.1 to
allow JSR160 RMI/http remoting with JDK1.4?

Or is it expected that MX4J version 2 will still be used in the case of
JDK1.4? (Seems not, because of the compatibility package)

Or have I done something wrong?


Thanks for any help everyone,



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