> From: Joe Reger, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Tomcat Won't Start When >1024Mb JVM Memory Specified
> Is there a 1Gb limit on the JVM?  On Tomcat? 

Not on those, but Windows normally provides only 2GB of virtual space
for each process.  (There's an initialization switch that can change
this to 3GB, but that introduces some other issues.)  Unfortunately,
this space is fragmented, and the JVM heap is allocated in one
contiguous chunk (at least it was in 1.4.1).  I'm a bit surprised you
ran out at 1GB.

> Should I configure by editing startup.bat/catalina.bat instead?

Definitely makes it easier to fiddle with the values until you find the
maxima.  You don't need to start Tomcat to play with -Xmx and the other
heap settings - a simple HelloWorld will suffice.  Always set -Xms and
-Xmx to the same value when you're trying to find the limit.

 - Chuck

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