When Tomcat deployed the WAR file, it created an xml file named the war file in 
the J:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost directory. 
This entry is similar to the one in the server.xml file.  I read the doco for 
Context, and it seems as though it can be placed in a few directories.

My question: I assume both files(server.xml and the one under Catalina) include 
the same <Context /> attrinutes, but which one has priority or  which one is 
executed last. I assume the xml file under Catalina executes last, since it was 
designed for hot deploying WAR files, overriding any current setting??

WAR file updates. I read the doco for the deployOnStartup switch, and it states 
that if an app with the WAR file name exist, it is deleted and redeployed. Is 
there any setting that redeploys without deleting the current  webapp??




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