I exited and restarted the browser each time.. so I doubt it. -also had another person try.. browser is the latest Mozilla.



Just a shot in teh dark, but could the client be caching the cert?

Date: 2005/04/26 Tue PM 04:18:21 EDT
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: SSL

Tomcat Users,

I have followed the How-To for Jakarta Tomcat SSL and continue to have some wierdness going on...

Our current SSL cert expired and we get a warning dialog box each time we try to connect to this server about the expiration.. naturally.

I generated a new cert request utilizing keytool, sent that to verisign, they returned the cert. Then I created a new keystore file, first importing a chaincert, then importing the new cert. When I stop the server, move the keystore file in place, start the server up, I continue to get an expiration notice upon https request to the host. In a troubleshooting effort, I moved the keystore file, stop/started the server and *still* get the expired notice upon https request... The server.xml file' SSL config points to the directory for which I have located the keystore file too.

Any ideas what may be happening here?


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