
I got the following error msg.
My applet is supposed to send sql string to servlet and servlet is supposed
to send back the result.
Do I need to signed applet for doing this?
If I need to sign and other procedure,
where can I refer or get detail information?
Thank you in advance.


com.ms.security.SecurityExceptionEx[DbApplet.getChartData]: cannot access
        at com/ms/security/permissions/NetIOPermission.check
        at com/ms/security/PolicyEngine.deepCheck
        at com/ms/security/PolicyEngine.checkPermission
        at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.checkSecurity
        at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.connect
        at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream
        at DbApplet.getChartData
        at DbApplet.actionPerformed
        at java/awt/Button.processActionEvent
        at java/awt/Button.processEvent
        at java/awt/Component.dispatchEventImpl
        at java/awt/Component.dispatchEvent
        at java/awt/EventDispatchThread.run

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