Yeah-- it was even lamer than that. I also had to add jmx.jar from bin/ to classpath since that was involved in the Valve dependency from catalina.jar....

   Thanks, Jason

Tim Funk wrote:

It looks like the <available> task tries to load the class in a new classloader. Of course - doing so loads all it's super classes too - so you'd need to also add catalina.jar to your classpath for the <available> task.


Jason Novotny wrote:

Thanks Tim,

That is exactly what I was looking for, but I still can't get it to work, and it seems that the <available> task is somewhat broken. Instead of just checking if the class is contained in the jar it also tries to resolve all of its dependencies, so this is what I get when using ant -d:

Finding class org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve
Loaded from /Users/novotny/Jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/server/lib/catalina-optional.jar org/apache/catalina/valves/FastCommonAccessLogValve.class
Finding class org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase
[available] Could not load dependent class "org/apache/catalina/valves/ValveBase" for class "org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve"
[available] Unable to load class org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve

I can't see any flags that would tell it to not check for dependencies..


Tim Funk wrote:

<available classname="org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve"


Jason Novotny wrote:

Thanks-- unfortunately by default (at least on Unix) that file is not executable so it wouldn't even execute by default.

Has anyone actually created an ant task or can give me some ant logic for doing Tomcat version detection for 5.5? Here's a snippet that worked for Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5.0.X that was fairly easy:

<available file="${appserver.home}/conf/Catalina" type="dir" prope
<echo message="Detected Tomcat 5"/>
<echo message="Detected Tomcat 4"/>

   Thanks, Jason

Jason Bainbridge wrote:

On 5/3/05, Jason Novotny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to update my build script to do some conditional checking
to see if I'm deploying my code to Tomcat 5.5 or using an older version.
Is there something (like a particular file or directory) I can check
reliably that would indicate that I'm using 5.5 versus an older version?

Look at %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\version.bat or depending on
whether you are on Windows or *nix, if you're on Windows and don't
have version.bat then you need to download the zipped distribution and
now thw windows installer.


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