Hi Mandar,

Am Dienstag, 10. Mai 2005 20:13 schrieb Mandar Vaidya:
>     I was trying for the second option,
>     Here is how my server.xml file
>       <Engine defaultHost="techserv" name="Catalina">
>       <Host appBase="webapps" name="techserv">
>         <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
> prefix="techserv_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
>       </Host>
>    But if I do this,  I'm not able to go to
> http://techserv:8080/admin  . It gives me HTTP error 404 ( requested
> page not available. )

Perhaps it is a problem with the Context definitions as they define the 
docBase and the path of the web application? I could imagine that the 
Context files are now in the wrong place after you have renamed the 


should now be


after your hostname has changed. So have a look, if the Context files 
still are in the old directory and, if so, rename the directory from 
"localhost" to "techserv" and restart the Tomcat server.

I hope, this is the solution.

Best wishes


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