Hi Jimmy,
Yes, true. From my debugging I am quite sure, that the encoding
is correct, when the browser sends it off. When it arrives in the
servlet the contents is messed up. It gets decoded in between
the browser and the servlet. Struts always gives me the decoded
data. So I think, that some decoder interprets the data as ISO-8859
and I have no idea, which one it is and how to teach it, to use
a different encoding.
But from what you said, I assume that it is somewhere in struts.


You dont really give enough details for your problem

Maybe you have to decode the UTF-8 data. URLDecoder.decode("<YOUR_STRING_HERE>","UTF-8") should
do the trick. Most GET requests are decoded before
the request parameters reach the servlet. POST
requests require the decode process.


Jimmy Ray
--- "Bernhard v. Fromberg"

Hi all,

I desperatly try to POST UTF-8 data to an
application using struts.
GET method works perfectly fine, but post does not.
I am using CharacterEncodingFilter
All pages have Content-Type header

java1.5.0 update 2
Tomcat 5.0.27
various Un*x systems.


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