I have not read all the responses, but:

     /      \
Catalina   Shared
               /   \
       Webapp1  Webapp2 ...

On 5/5/05, Michael Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am quite sure this has been asked and answered but I googled a bunch of
> combinations and didn't find the answer, so I am sure someone here will know
> and share. 
> What is the difference between the /common/ and /shared/ 
> I understand this is a class loader issue, and I have read the comments in
> catalina.properties. 
> What would go into 'common' that wouldn't go into 'shared' and vice versa? 
> If a jar is in /common/lib/ and a different version of that jar is in
> /shared/lib/ what will be the effect? 
> Similarly, if I modify catalina.properties and add something to 'common'
> that is already in 'shared', etc. 
> Understanding the relationship between 'common' and 'shared' and the
> intended use thereof should be of interest to more than just me. 
> Ollie 
> Loosely Coupled 
> Mike Oliver
>  CTO 
> Alarius Systems LLC
>  6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd
>  Apt 1096
>  Las Vegas, NV 89156 
>  http://www.alariussystems.com/ 
> tel: 
>  fax: 
>  mobile: 
> (702)643-7425
>  (702)974-0341
>  (518)378-6154 
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