
I'm using ssl client authentication with Tomcat 5.0.28. I have configured it to use my truststoreFile and all works fine there.

I have added a feature to my webapp (The freebXML Registry, http://ebxmlrr.sourceforge.net/) to allow the user to register his own certificate when creating an user account. The certificate gets added to truststoreFile and other account details are set.

My problem is that the SSL Connector will only read the truststoreFile when it is initialized. What I would like to have something monitoring the keystore file for changes and reload it to to the connector when it happens. I could not find a way to do it yet by checking the source for JSSEConnector (method init() triggers keystore loading). Has anybody done something similar??

Another posibility would be to re-initialize the connector every hour, fo instance. There would be some delay after registration but user could be pacient and wait a bit. Is this easy to achieve/configure??


Diego Ballve
Digital Artefacts Europe

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