I think there is not much question that the Apache server is far more
efficient serving static html.  Is there really any issue on that?  If
so, things sure have changed.  I thought the comparison was like 5 to
1.  Is that no longer true?

On 5/18/05, Jason Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/05, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If all you're doing is serve static pages, both are equivalent.
> > > However, if you ever need dynamic content, either client or server
> > > side, for example a page whose content is extracted from a database,  or
> > > a form for which you need to record the values, you need some kind  of
> > > intelligence.
> > >
> > > For that job, Apache relies on cgi and php, while Tomcat relies on
> > > Servlets and JSP, both based on Java.
> > >
> > > Unless you have a good reason to switch to Apache, you should stick  to
> > > Tomcat.
> >
> > Ah, okay.  The only reason we were considering switching to Apache was
> > to possibly improve the performance of our Java applet.
> However the Apache Web Server may well have better performance when
> serving large files, I don't believe I have seen any benchmarks
> dealing with large files only smaller ones that you typically see
> included in a web page like images. I would recommend at least doing
> some testing by serving your applet under Apache.
> Just out of curiosity what does your large applet do? From the sound
> of it it was like 60mb, which is quite a large applet to say the
> least...
> --
> Jason Bainbridge
> http://kde.org - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Personal Site - http://jasonbainbridge.com
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