The only change I made to httpd.conf was to add the
line:  Include "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\mod_jk.conf".  (You can put
the .conf file anywhere, you just have to tell Apache
where it's located.)

I did find that the HowTo instructions directed you to
use "Auto-configure".  I ran that once to build the
mod_jk.conf-auto file.  What I found was that it
didn't  build it correctly.  The JKMount paths didn't
match what I had in Tomcat.  I don't recall what it
put in the file, but it wasn't right.  I ended up
removing the line that they tell you to add to
server.xml to auto-configure once I had the format of
the mod_jk.conf file.  Also, if you examine the
mod_jk.conf file, one of the first things it does is
to instruct Apache to "LoadModule jk_module
modules/", so it isn't necessary to add that
to the httpd.conf file.  I did populate the
information for JkWorkersFile and JkLogfile.  Once I
had the url's correctly defined, it just worked.

I wondered if it would be helpful for those who have
been successful at configuring the connector to just
publish a document for the various versions of Tomcat;
4.x, 5.0.x, and 5.5.x.  I only say that because even
the HowTo document that I used seemed to only get me
about 50% of the way there.


--- "Tom Holmes Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree I should work with the files first to see if
> I can get it to 
> work.  I used the sample file
> from Tomcat 5.5 in 
> order to create my working workers,properties file. 
>   So, now when I 
> restart Apache2, it doesn't complain and it looks
> like it is 
> communicating with Tomcat 5.5.
> However, when I try my JSP page, I get a big 'OK' at
> the top of the 
> screen and then I get this error message:
> The server encountered an internal error or
> misconfiguration and was 
> unable to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator,
> and inform them of the time the error occurred, and
> anything you might 
> have done that may have caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available
> in the server error log.
> So ..... after reading the documentation you
> referred me to, it looks 
> like I need to update my httpd.conf file a bit more.
>   I mean I got the 
> LoadModule working, but it looks like I need to add
> some Jk commands 
> like JkMount to my httpd.conf file.   So, I am
> playing with that now.
> I might need your files as a sample, but I'll work
> on this on my own for 
> a little while.     Thanks very much.
>                            Tom
> Darryl Wilburn wrote:
> >Tom,
> >If you need them, I can send you my actual files. 
> >Although I encourage you to do all you can do on
> your
> >own to figure it out.  It'll pay huge dividends in
> the
> >end if you understand what you had to do to make it
> >work.
> >
> >DW
> >
> >--- "Tom Holmes Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>I can't thank you enough.  I was wondering if
> anyone
> >>had done it, and 
> >>you certainly have.
> >>
> >>The sample files I have has always been the
> biggest
> >>hurdle for me also.  
> >>The I am using is
> >>"" which I 
> >>think is for Windows.
> >>
> >>I'll refer to the same directions you used, and I
> am
> >>sure I will get it 
> >>also.   
> >>Thanks for giving me hope that it can be done! 
> Now
> >>I just have to get 
> >>past those sample files also.
> >>
> >>Thanks again!
> >>
> >>                                          Tom
> >>
> >>Darryl Wilburn wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Tom,
> >>>I have Tomcat 5.5.7, Apache 2.0.54, JRE 1.5.0_03,
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>JK
> >>    
> >>
> >>>1.2.11, running on Win2k3 server with no
> problems. 
> >>>The biggest hurdle I had to get over was making
> the
> >>>necessary changes on the sample files included
> with
> >>>the software.  (the worker names didn't match) 
> The
> >>>files required are (downloaded at
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>    
> >>
> >>> The instructions I followed are at
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>The other files involved are,
> >>>mod_jk.conf.  The HowTo instructions at the above
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>link
> >>    
> >>
> >>>are excellent.
> >>>
> >>>DW
> >>>
> >>>--- "Tom Holmes Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>>Ok, I'm not a newbie to Apache 2.x, Tomcat 4.x,
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>JK2
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>with Java SDK 1.4.x  
> >>>>... I have gotten these to work over the years
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>with
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>few problems either 
> >>>>on a Windows or Linux environment.  I've
> modified
> >>>>the httpd.conf file 
> >>>>and files under Apache 2.x,
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>and
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>the server.xml and 
> >>>> under Tomcat 4.x.
> >>>>
> >>>>However, now I am in unfamiliar territory once
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>more.
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>I am working on 
> >>>>Windows 2000, and I want to use Apache 2.x which
> I
> >>>>have no problems 
> >>>>working with.  But now, I want it to work with
> >>>>Tomcat 5.5.x ...  so, 
> >>>>here the questions begins:
> >>>>
> >>>>I understand that I should be using the Java SDK
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>1.5
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>now with Tomcat 
> >>>>5.5.x, is that correct?
> >>>>
> >>>>I always thought that JK2 was the new version of
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>JK.
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>I have always used 
> >>>>JK2 to connect tomcat 4.x to Apache 2.x.  I
> >>>>understand that JK2 is now 
> >>>>deprecated and is no longer getting any support?
> >>>>Does this mean I 
> >>>>should now use JK to connect Tomcat 5.5.x with
> >>>>Apache 2.x?   Do I still 
> >>>>need a file?
> >>>>
> >>>>Where can I find documentation on using JK in
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>order
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>to connect Apache 
> >>>>2.x with Tomcat 5.5.x?   Any sample files I
> need?
> >>>>
> >>>>I know I've seen a lot of questions about this
> on
> >>>>this list and on the 
> >>>>net (yes, Google is my friend), but I only get
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>bits
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>and pieces of the 
> >>>>whole, I was looking for anything more
> >>>>comprehensive.
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks for any help you guys can provide!
> >>>>
> >>>>                                                
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >> 
> >>    
> >>
> >>>>                           
> >>>>Tom
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>   
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>    
> >>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
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