You might not be asking this, but...

Scriplets execute on the server, not on the client. The results of a scriplet are in essence "inserted" into the response.

So in that regard, no, you can't use a scriplet to change the value of a text field as you would with Javascript because Javascript executes on the client *AFTER* the response has been completely rendered and returned to the broser, while a scriplet executes *WHILE* the response is being rendered and *BEFORE* it is returned to the client.

Does that answer the question, or did I misinterpret?


Cassius V. de Magalhaes wrote:

I would like to change the value of a form's text field by scriplet, is it 
possible, please?
Through Javascript, I can use the form name plus the name of the field, for 
"myform.address.value='xxx'". I know I can do "myform.address.value='<%= something %>'", 
where "something" is a
scriplet variable declared previously. Is it possible to change the value of a 
form field inside of a scriplet
just as we can by a javascript code, please?


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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