> From: "Steve Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:02 AM

> I don't see how you will do that without installing some kind of dynamic
> webserver on each PC, whether that be apache-hpptd, tomcat, or other, plus
> the web application (which needn't be servlets, it could be perl based).
> if you are going to do that, what's wrong with installing tomcat?

If the goal is to write an, essentially, stand alone application that just
happens to be browser based, then you don't want to "install tomcat" per se,
rather you just want to have an HTTP based core around which you can wrap
your application. Its not designed to be a general purpose
application/webserver, rather a very application specific server.

It also allow the application to be distrubted as either a simple, complete
Jar file, or perhaps wrapped in a .exe. When the user clicks on the icon,
the application launches a browser to the applications "home page".

Now, if he just wants to distribute a WAR, as a central service for several
users, then, yes, its easier to have the client simply install tomcat (or
bundle it in their installer), and deploy the war. But for a client side,
browser based application, embedding can very quite viable.


Will Hartung

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