Please, I need Advice for connections

Hi guys.

I need a technical advice using tomcat 5.0

Presently, tomcat server is used with JBOSS in a solution that 
I am developping for my clients.

Users are connecting to the solution by invoking a servlet (runned by tomcat).
If a user is auhentified, then I use HTTPServletResponse object (in the service
method) to get the Outputstream of that object => 

Then this stream will be use to handle communications between my client 
and my custom Server Process (I need to send real time informations through
this canal). 

Important => A client session can last several hours, so the life of the
servlet is set to time infinite .

In fact I had the idea delegate socket connection managment, to tomcat engine,
by setting servlet life time to infinite.

Is it a good way to do, or should I use a socket pooling algorithm (actualy,
the server can freeze, after unregular amout of times, time for writing 
in the Output stream can increase until being totaly unusuable, I have to
close, and reconnect)

The objective is to handle more than 1000 client sessions.

Please, i need a quick answer .
Thank you for your help.

Best regards Kenoh.

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