Have you tried reloading the webapp / restarting tomcat?

If you're new to tomcat, then I suggest you give a few more details of where the webapp is, and where the jsp page is, and/or how you deployed the web-app, just in case these give a clue.

Thomas Polliard wrote:
It is located there.  Sorry the location is as you wrote. I was unclear.
WEB-INF/classes/com/polliard/db/ Contains RaidDB.class


Thomas Polliard
Sr. Systems Administrator, AOL
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 2:52 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Confusion Land

Unless I misunderstood, RaidDB.class should be located in directory
WEB-INF/classes/com/polliard/db and not

Thomas Polliard wrote:

So I am running Tomcat 5.5.9
I have a jsp page that imports com.polliard.db.RaidDB; It also has a line that invokes a new instance of this class RaidDB rdb = new RaidDB();

The code works on Jetty but when used with Tomcat I am getting the error RaidDB cannot be resolved or is not a type.

Any Ideas???

The class is located in the WEB-INF/classes/com/polliard/db/RaidDB directory under the deployed application.

Any help would be great.
Thomas Polliard
Sr. Systems Administrator, AOL

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