
I have a WAR that I'm deploying via the tomcat ant deployer:

<deploy url="${manager.url}" username="${manager.username}" password="${manager.password}"
       path="/" war="${build.webstore.dir}/webstore.war" update="true" />

The first time it's deployed, everything works fine. On subsequent redeploys, the expanded WAR file is incomplete and, therefore, my app won't run. Has anyone run into a problem like this?

Right now, my only lead is that I'm getting the following exception on redeploy:

SEVERE: ClassNotFoundException while loading persisted sessions: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.thoughtbot.webstore.form.CartForm

First of all, am I getting this Exception because CartForm is not serializable or is it a ClassLoader problem? Secondly, would this type of error on redeploy cause the behavior I'm seeing? Thanks a lot, any help would be greatly appreciated.

PS I've encountered the same problem copying the war to the webapps directory by hand so I don't think it has anything do with the ant task.

Matt Tucker

cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

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