I have experienced similar kind of memory leak, but that was while
reloading the context. There was a steady increase in the memory usage
after each autoReload of my struts 1.2.7-hibernate 2.1.8 powered
webApp in Tomcat 5.5.7/JDK 1.5/Fedora Core 2.
At the beginning: the process memory used by tomcat was 6.6%, then
after each reload it went on slight increase such as: 7.8%, 8.3%,
8.8%, 9.1%, 10.1%, 10.7%....Then I shutdown the tomcat server and
restarted the server, I saw the memory usage as 6.4%, then on the next
reload the usage was 7.9%.....
Meanwhile, the Java memory ( Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() –     
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() ) seem to stay pretty
stabilized....So, basically only process memory is increasing...which
tells me that there is a leak in native memory.
I saw similar threads like this when somebody had memory leaks with
application reload/startup/shutdown with Tomcat Manager webapp...
I am also looking for a good direction to move ahead.

On 6/10/05, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does your profiling tool tell you the classes of the objects being
> created? Can you take a snapshot at two points in time, compare them and
> see what is  different? If we know the class of the objects being
> created, it gives us a pretty good pointer as to where to start looking.
> Without this information, it is needle in haystack time.
> If your profiler doesn't do this, you probably need to get a new profiler.
> Mark
> Ed Hamilton wrote:
> > I posted something similar to the Tomcat bug list and was asked to move it
> > here.  My first mailing to this list, so please correct any gaffes on my
> > part...
> >
> > I'm running Tomcat 5.5.9; isapi redirector 1.2.13; J2SE; JDBC
> > 3.1.8a;  to support 2 very low volume websites.  I have some kind of memory
> > leak which triples tomcat's memory usage over about 4-5 days.
> >
> > I downloaded and installed AppPerfect profiler, and it shows a steady,
> > consistent increase in objects and a corresponding decrease in the heap
> > size.  Even with my webserver shutdown and no Tomcat usage, this leak is
> > persistent. The memory leak checker portion of AppPerfect reports multiple
> > memory leaks (even with the web server shutdown as I mentioned.)
> >
> > Can anybody help me figure out how to find out where this is coming from?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Ed Hamilton
> >
> >
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