Hello -

I am working on a proof of concept application, porting from tomcat 3.n
and Apache 1.3 to Tomcat 5.5.9 and Apache 2.0.52. The problem - every
time this app would try to execute a .jsp file, Apache would return an
error.  After a bunch of troubleshooting in httpd.conf, I found the
problem.  It was these JkMount directives:
        JkMount /servlets/* worker1
        JkMount /*.jsp worker1
        JkMount /*.do worker1

I was assuming these paths were all really relative to my DocumentRoot -
but noooooo!  The path evidently needs to be a real, absolute path.

These directives work:

        JkMount /var/www/html/{approot}/servlets/* worker1
        JkMount /var/www/html/{approot}/*.jsp worker1
        JkMount /var/www/html/{approot}/*.do worker1

(where {approot} is the directory with all the html, jsp, and other

And now the app seems to behave properly.  

But this bothers me - aren't all these supposed to be relative to
DocumentRoot?  Am I missing something or are JkMount directives supposed
to point to an absolute path?


- Greg Scott

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