I'm looking at clustering and have a few questions.

1. In the documentation, the Cluster element is shown
as a child of the Engine element.  In the example
server.xml  the Cluster element is shown in the Host

When I put the Cluster element in the Host element, I
get clustering messages in catalina.out.  I don't get
this if I put the Cluster element in the Engine

So the proper location for a Cluster element is inside
a Host element?

2. There is a statement concerning number of threads
would be optimal if it matched the number of nodes.  I
am fronting Tomcat with Apache/mod_jk.  Would the
number of nodes be the maximum clients I have
configured for Apache times the number of Apache
servers that can hit this Tomcat server?

I am looking at having several virtual hosts running
under one Tomcat instance.  Does this mean I need to
have a separate Cluster element for each virtual host?

Thanks for helping me get started on this.


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