
Does anyone have any examples of how to set up my deployment descriptor
(web.xml in Tomcat 5.5.9) to do BASIC authentication (of any of the
other methods, for that matter)?

I've looked at various sources of information on the web (including some
of Sun's sites), but have not yet found good examples (more than one
would be great), from soup to nuts, with good explanations along the
way, describing the various elements involved (what they do and why (or
why not) they are needed).

A lot of these sources provide copious amounts of information, but not
good working examples that I can either use directly, or at least learn
from.  Many times example chunks of code are provided, but it's not made
clear what each element does.  Also, quite often only one example of a
specific usage (say: FORM based authentication) is provided, but others
are not.

I guess the basic gripe I have is that there's a lot of information
provided for this technology, but very little information provided that
actually helps someone who's just learning this stuff, actually learn
HOW to use it.

Now there's a caveat: I'm investigating possibly using JSP for a
work-related project.  I am looking at adding some functionality to an
existing web application that is currently written as an ASP app.  Among
other things, I am trying to evaluate JSP to see what advantages it may
(or may not) provide over the existing ASP.

At this point, I'm trying to take a small part (essentially the front
end) of the ASP app. and JSP-icize it to see what's involved in creating
the same (or similar) functionality.  Unfortunately I keep running into
problems that for the most part, result from my lack of knowledge in
this technology area.

I do not want to spend money on books (at least not at this time), since
we have not reached a decision on whether we will go with JSP, or stick
with ASP.  I'm not sure which books would be the best ones to get in any
case.  What I've found so far on the web, has not helped me out at all,
and in general, is way over my head (at this point anyway).

Does anybody have any examples they could provide that might help me
along?  It would be greatly appreciated.


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