Then put those libs in WEB-INF/lib too

Le Mardi 14 Juin 2005 14:31, teknokrat a écrit :
> Charl Gerber wrote:
> > When do you share jars (struts, log4j, jstl, etc) for
> > webapps in the common/lib directory and when does each
> > app need its own "copy" of the jars?
> >
> > Log4j we've found by trail and error is better to have
> > a jar per webapp, as the loggers seems to overwrite
> > each other, but which commonly used jars (struts,
> > jstl) can be shared?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Charl
> What if you have libraries in shared/lib that use log4j?
> If you place log4j in WEB-INF/lib and shared/lib you get errors.
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David Delbecq
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

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