You need to allocate the memory using the jvm argument -Xmx<amount of

Tomcat reads an env variable named TOMCAT_OPTS, (ex. set

brian luk wrote:

> Hi,
> -- My servlet got java.lang.OutOfMemoryError and my
> Solaris machine is still have free memory left ( no
> disk swap occur ).  Any way to modify tomcat startup
> file to allocate more memory?
> -- Does VM only use only PART of the system memroy?
> like 32MB or 64MB out of 128MB system memory? would
> that means VM will never use the virtual memory ( Disk
> Swap )?
> -- Why VM doesn't use all the system RAM ( for
> example128MB) by default?  and need to manually
> specify the amount of system RAM it use through java
> -Xmx128m option?
> -- If one specify VM to use as much as memory it can
> use ( Include virtual memroy ) disk swap, then I will
> never get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, right?
> thanks.
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