Hi all,

I'd like to know if there's a shell command to stop and start separate web applications. With our configuration, we are unable to use the manager.

* We are running Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2 with the JK Connector (mod_jk) on RedHat Linux. * We have several virtual hosts. When we used 1 service with multiple hosts, we had the problem that our different webapps were sharing the same memory space and they kept stepping on each other. So we split things up. Each host is using a separate service on a different port (see example below).

Take a look at Ant Tomcat task. It is used to deploy new webapp from Ant and Ant works from command line. I think this is your best bet. Not to mention that Ant has such a wide variety of other tasks, it is a great boost to your work. You might need to do some other tasks at that time and Ant can help a lot. Of course, if something *is* a job for a shell script, it might be better to do it a s shell script job :-)


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