Hello everybody.

I have a problem, I am a new user of servlet and this kind of thing.

I have a servlet, AOPServlet, which uses a parameter (country), but I want 
to forwards to AOPServlet from other servlet, EditAOPServlet, how could I 
forward to AOPServlet and send it the country as a paremater??? there's not 
setParameter method in the resquest object. 

The AOPServlet the code has:

String country = request.getParameter("country");

The thing is do not set an attribute in the request to save the country 
name, if I save the country name as an attribute I can reuse the AOPServlet 
because it gets the country name as a parameter.

How can I do?


Carlos J, Bracho M. 
+58 416 409 21 75 

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