send me the struts-config.xml and jsp please to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I shall have a look.. from what i see ... it is a jsp struts error rather than tomcat error ...
also the web.xml
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Kang (CS&S)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat User Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 4:22 AM
Subject: How to configure Taglib in Tomcat

Hi, all

I am practicing Struts in Tomcat. So there is a file named
struts-html.tld should be used. I have configured as what getting
started said, but still got an exception. The exception info is below:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(26,0) Attribute name
invalid for tag form according to TLD

<html:form> tag has been used at line 26 in index.jsp file. That tag is
not default tag of html and I found tag definition in struts-html.tld,
but why it still throws this kind of exception. I think maybe caused by
configuring issue. So please tell me how to configure Taglib in Tomcat
and what should be paid attention, thanks.

Best Regards

Kevin Kang



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