You might want to setup the Request Dumper Valve (*org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve*.) and see if that offer's any insight. I suspect the cookie isn't being returned in subsequent requests after the welcome page. Unfortunately, I don't have enough info about your setup to even begin theorizing why that might happen.


angelina zh wrote:

Frank,  Guru

Thank you guys so much for the comments. But I forget to mention that the code 
was originally coded to request.getSession(false). Since it did not work for 
me, I changed to request.getSession(true).

So neither was working for me.


"Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I thought that at first too Guru, I had to go remind myself... looking at
the javadoc for request.getSession(boolean)...

"Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request or, if there
is no current session and create is true, returns a new session."

That "OR, IF" clause is whats important.. it should only create a new
session if none already exists. So, calling getSession(true) is going to
return to you a session either way, whether it's a pre-existing one or a
new one.

I do however agree that calling getSession(true) in this case does not
seem appropriate... Angelina, I would call it with false and check for
null, as Guru says. It probably won't solve the problem, but it will tell
you a little bit more, namely whether the session really exists or not in
a more explicit manner.

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