On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 22:56 -0700, Paul Constantine wrote:
> Note: this is not meant to be a detailed bug report. I'm just fishing to see
> if anyone else is having some these problems.
> Hi, I'm a newbie on the list. I've used tomcat with Windows-IIS for about a
> year, and I just made the switch to Apache on Fedora Core 4. Tomcat 5 comes
> packaged with the FC4 distro, but it's using the GCJ jvm; I'm used to using
> Sun's jvm. 
> A couple of issues: (1) It took me days to configure mod_jk to link Apache
> and Tomcat. The documentation sucks. I think I finally got it right after
> quite a bit of trial and error. (2) Now I can access the standard built-in
> webapps through something like http://localhost/jsp-examples/ without any
> problem. So I threw the JSPWiki.war into my webapps directory. It unpacked
> just fine, but when I tried to access it through http://localhost/JSPWiki/,
> I got a permission denied error. I'm quite certain that my permissions are
> set correctly. (3) I tried accessing it on the standard http connecter (i.e.
> http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki/) and I get 'WikiEngine not properly started'
> JasperException. (4) I also installed Sun's jvm and pointed Tomcat there,
> but now Tomcat won't work at all.

I have successfully installed Fedora Core 4, tomcat 5.5.9 and the latest
JspWiki. Everything works as expected under a very complex jsf system.

Since all of my pages are dynamic (assembled from jsf + tiles), i just
use tomcat and iptables to route port 80 -> 8080, 443 -> 8443.

> It's all very weird, but here's my theory. The permission denied error I'm
> getting when accessing it through Apache is really just a cover for the
> JasperException I'm getting through the http connector. The real problem
> might be that JSPWiki (and probably lots of other apps I want to use) won't
> work with the GCJ jvm. I'm thinking about uninstalling the packaged Tomcat 5
> that came with FC4 and reinstalling it pointing at Sun's jvm.
Yes, this may be a good idea. Using other poeple's pre-packages, you do
not know what is going on. I generally take 1 package at a time and
integrate them together.

> Has anyone else had experience using Tomcat 5 on FC4? Or have you had any
> problems similar to this?
Yes, tomcat 5.5.9, FC4, and JspWiki are working fine together.

> Thanks in advance,
> Paul Constantine

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